Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Korean Beef Lo Mein

Can you do that?

I'm not that well versed on international relations.
Can you throw Korea and China in a pan and have them get along?
Well, in my world you can and not only will they get along,
they will make beautiful music together :o)
I knew I had to find more ways to eat the Korean BBQ
from our night of K-Bobs and my most favorite chinese dish
at the moment is Lo Mein. The best looking recipe I could find for
Lo Mein was from All Recipes.
But it's a vege one and something in me screamed WAA LAA!
(again, not copping to the french)
Korea, China, MAKE NICE!
And they totally did!

I posted both recipes in the pages section for your convenience.


  1. Is this the Korean BBQ recipe? I didn't see one for Lo Mein... but it looks ammmmmazing...
