Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Thai-Style Chicken Salad

I seem to be on an international bend at the moment.
In my never ending quest to find different things to do to a chicken
breast, I have stumbled upon this little gem.
Have I mentioned that I love
America's Test Kitchen/Cook's Illustrated?
And does any one get the connection between the two?
And why aren't they just one entity?
And where does Cook's Country figure in?
I digress....
This was really good. I served it over a bed of quinoa.
Sliced heirloom tomato on the side.
I didn't happen to have a cucumber but, go figure, I had a zucchini.
Other than that I stuck pretty close to the recipe as written.
This was one of those times that the frozen ginger
and the lime ice cubes came in handy.
It's the best when I can put together a recipe without
having to run to the grocery store.
The greeter at Meijer kinda looks at me funny sometimes.
One of the greeters is kinda grumpy.
That's a contradiction, don't you think?
It appears I'm having a difficult time staying on task.
I'll post the recipe in the pages and end for now before I take
you to the next weird place my mind is headed.
You're welcome :o)

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