Sunday, May 1, 2011

New Toy, Old Toy

Well, not exactly *toys*, but fun things!
One of the Blogs I follow, Reluctant Entertainer,
posed the question, 
what do you do to be green in your kitchen?
One of the responses was glass straws.
Have you ever heard of such a thing?
I had not, so a-googlin' I went.
Turns out they are made from the same kind of glass 
as Pyrex bowls and actually have health benefits.
They say the chemicals from the plastic straws 
can leach out into your drink. 
Whatever... maybe....seems excessive.
However, between my smoothies and margaritas, 
I do go through a few straws.
I just couldn't wrap my mind around glass straws.
But then I stumbled upon these:
And, honestly, I think the little brush for cleaning them sold me. 
And what better thing to pair them with but my aluminum glasses!

So there you have it!
My old with my new :o)

My little green thing, I don't put my produce in those
plastic bags at the grocery store.
I just let it all roll around in my cart. 
It makes me chuckle. 

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