Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hostess Gifts

I have a couple of thoughts about hostess gifts
I'm sure the world needs to hear about. 
(Or at least the 3 people who read this blog)

The first is from my favorite Blogger, Aggie. 
I'm not certain how long the fruit in this will hold up but
even the spiced simple syrup would be a great gift. 
Aggie has a couple of suggestions for other uses for the syrup. 
It just sounds like holiday!

The other great idea comes from my friend Kristie.
I had a huge Halloween party one year and she brought 
a basket of breakfast for the next morning.
What a great idea!
After all the focus on the party preparations the last
thing I was thinking of was eating the next morning. 
This was a couple of years ago but it seems to me she had
a bag of coffee and donuts in a basket but you could do the 
coffee and some banana bread, muffins, Alka Seltzer, 
a can of tomato juice, tobasco sauce.
(depending on what *kind* of party it is) 
A couple of mugs.
The possibilities are endless!

There you go!
Now, have I wormed my way into any parties?

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