Monday, November 7, 2011

German Onion Soup

With a pretzel grilled cheese on the side.

We've been on vacation for the past week.
A good friend once told me that if there is a washing machine
or a kitchen, it's not a vacation. 
I have lived by that little piece of wisdom
ever since.
So whereas I do enjoy a week of being waited on, 
I can't wait to get back in my kitchen and COOK!
To that end I picked up the October issue of
at the airport for the flight home.
It may be my favorite resource for recipes.
This month I think I may just cook my way through 
the whole thing.

This soup was terrific, a german twist to 
french onion soup. 
One problem;
That's !!6!! LARGE onions.
The knife there would lead you to believe that I chopped all 
those but actually(actually) I used my mandolin.
Wonderful invention.
But it did not help with the river of tears I cried.
Nor the smell that so permeated my house that
when I returned home from being gone a couple of hours
I could smell the raw onions in my car as I drove
into the garage.
So heads up, after you cut up that many onions, 
cook them immediately!

Also, the recipe would have you *float* the pretzel
sandwiches on the soup like a crouton. 
While that would be way cool, 
how would you eat it?

PS, at some point do you think I will figure
out that I can cut a recipe in half?

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