Saturday, July 2, 2011

I Knew You When You Were A Zygote

How's that for a catchy title?
It's what I posted on her FB wall today.
It's her birthday. 
Her big sister was my best friend through all of Junior High
and High School.

My favorite story that involves Melanie is one that she was 
part of before she was even born. 
A group of us kids were at Marci's house (Mel's big sister) swimming.
For some reason little Jimmy Paul
 (don't ask how I can remember his name but not if I closed the garage door on my way out)
did not take kindly to my holding his head under water. 
I am fairly certain it was in retaliation for some equally awful thing he had done to me.
Seeing the look in his eyes when I finally let him up for air, 
I wisely scrambled to the side of the pool. 
Little Jimmy Paul, 
(my way of getting even with him, 
he will always be "Little Jimmy Paul") 
Grabbed the first thing he could get his hands on and chucked it at me.
It was a pair of the old fashioned dive goggles.
They used to be made of glass. 
Oh, yes they did!
And I know because they shattered all into my leg.
Yep, blood EVERYWHERE!

Faye came running out and we were pretty sure she 
was going to have that baby right there and then. 
She didn't. 
Just think Mel, you could have been a June baby!

But fast forward, hmm, 
"many" years.
Marci and I have reconnected through FB. 
(see earlier post on the marvels of FB)
And in so doing, Mel and I have connected. 
She's a total foodie!!!
I'm sure it was my early influence on her. 
In utero.

We met in Skokie a year or so ago for 
Pioneer Woman's book signing. 
And that's my Mel Story. 

I wonder what ever became of Little Jimmy Paul....

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