A year ago this month I started a journey.
My right arm got jacked up.
That's a technical term
and the short answer I gave when anyone asked
me what happened.
Covid helped delay treatment but once I could
see a hand specialist I started down this fun road.
They asked me what color straps I wanted.
I asked what they had and then responded,
one of each, of course!
And then I set out to see what I could do left handed.
I managed some things and some things,
not so much.
It was a hard 8 weeks.
I couldn't chop, so I couldn't cook.
I couldn't paint.
I couldn't sew.
All in all, I couldn't create.
It was a difficult time.
Oh, and did I mention Covid?
At the end of the 8 weeks and multiple more weeks
of occupational therapy it became
apparent the only remedy would be surgery.
Thing is, when your OT therapist as well as the surgeon
tells you it's a long painful recovery, you have second thoughts.
I had good days and bad days and then I had a
BAD stretch.
I was in tears many days from the pain and was
thinking I would have to have the surgery
after the holidays, if I could wait that long.
Then I took my pain to my bible study group
and asked for prayer.
The pain was awful.
They prayed that Tuesday and
I have been
pain free since that following Wednesday.
God answers prayers.
I could still be in pain but the truth remains.
God answers prayers.
I am thankful that I am not in pain.
I can cook, I can sew, I can paint.
I am taking it easy, cause I ain't an idiot.
I am thankful to have a cool God story to share.