Sunday, September 6, 2020

There is so much to say about this one picture!

Can you see the Clorox wipes behind Gaye's arm?
Can I tell you how MANY containers of that 
stuff we gave away?
And how much could we get for them 
now on the black market?

There are about 100 boxes of Kleenex on those shelves.

I never quite understood why mom would
buy so much of any given item.
Toilet paper,
 (well, now she wouldn't look so goofy)
paper towel,
papaer plates,
bar soap,
the list does go on

See that gold tin above Gayes head?
That was my grandmother's sewing tin.
There wasn't a thing I needed in it and 
nobody else was drawn to it.
We each kept SO MANY things that brought
back memories that some hard choices needed to be made.
That sewing tin was a casualty of the purge.
Only months later I was at Shanna's house
and I needed to mend something.
She had to go to a neighbors house to borrow a needle!!!
I was heartbroken but then took to The Google
and found an identical tin.
Turns out it originally would have had a fruit cake in it.
I filled it with the basics and now Shanna 
has a goofy tin filled with sewing notions
and hopefully someday Quinn 
looks at it and smiles at the memories it holds.

We would just laugh as we found yet another, whatever.
And, we drank pink champagne. 

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