Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Stuffed Green Peppers

This was another case of cooking by committee.

My friend, Carol, had gifted me a
 bunch of green peppers.
I posed the question on Facebook,
what to do with them?

Stuff them was the unanimous response
but I really didn't want to go the traditional
ground beef/rice route.
Someone suggested a vegetarian twist with black beans.

Hm, Aggie (of Aggie's Kitchen fame)
has a black bean burrito recipe that
I thought I could use as a jumping off point.

Here's what I did;
I  roasted
an onion
a few cloves of garlic 
 a diced butternut squash
a diced sweet potato
and some zucchini.

Combined that with 
a can of rinsed and drained black beans,
some leftover quinoa
and some shredded cheddar cheese.
I covered them with foil to bake.
I wanted the steam from cooking to soften the 
peppers a bit. 
I took the foil off the last 10 minutes or so.

Some red pepper flakes would have been good in there
but I wanted to send some home with Carol
and she's not quite into the heat
to the extent I am. 

They say your sense of taste 
dulls a bit as you get older.
As does your sense of smell.
And hearing.
And sight.

Excuse me, I need to go cry in my beer.
Or margarita.

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